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Publié par Max38400 sur 24 Juin 2018, 21:10pm

Catégories : #SPORT, #BIEN ETRE


This is a pathology bothering an incredible number of sportsmen.
The Shin is an inflammation of the membrane of bone, periosteum. We don't know exactly if this inflammation is secondary to phenomena of muscle traction, vibrations or adaptation of bone to the effort.
The athlete feels a pain inside tibia. Unlike the stress fracture that is painful in a precise point, the area of pain is here distributed; It is located on several centimeters.

Often, the pain is felt during the accelerations and decelerations. It subsides during the effort but feels very markedly as soon as it ends. The reduction in pain during the maintenance of a high speed can be explained by the fact that under these conditions the ground support would be more dynamic involving more the muscle and less bone structures (less vibration). Periods of release would be more pronounced.
Whatever it is, the unbearable nature of the Shin may force them to stop the activity. The main risk to the continuation of the activity is to be put off so the pain can be intense.

This pathology can fade in a few months or last several years with acute phases and moments of remission. Most often, it disappears as mysteriously as it came.
Conventional treatments are based of icing, anti-inflammatory. The athlete will win to avoid hard floors, the shocks caused by the leapings, running downhill...

From experience, we have noticed that the stretching of the internal Lodge of the tibia (stretching in external rotation of the foot base) provided significantly pain associated with this condition

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